Sunday, August 26, 2012

Self medication

(Side note - the only thing can't seem to edit is the date - if I edit or find a misspelling and edit a post, it re-posts it as the current date, not the date I wrote it, which was back in February 2011. Wait - think I got it! At least the month and year; we'll see.) Nope, not fixed. deal with later.

Thank the gods for alcohol. I really mean it. The doctors tried to prescribe me various anti-depressant type drugs in the past, and they either gave me night sweats or made me grind my teeth. Well, there was one prescription that was rather nice, if I didn't have to function. It zoned me out so I felt great & didn't care what happened to anyone, so of course I couldn't take that one(damn!). The doctor told me I had 'situational depression', which is I guess what single moms raising autistic twin boys by themselves all have. No chemical imbalance - life just sucked.

One of the reasons I never blogged was because I hate it when someone is constantly bitching & complaining, & the first time I tried to blog, that's all I did - bitch & complain. Granted, I was just finishing another (the 6th) giant due process hearing with the school district & was in settlement talks regarding homeschooling for my other child, but still - I looked back on it & thought, "Who in the hell would want to read about that?" There's nothing redeeming, no actual lessons to be learned except "stay the hell away from the blog (and possibly the school district) at all costs!" Bummer city.

My free time is extremely limited - if I'm going to read some blogs, I either want to gain some useful information, be inspired, or just get a good laugh. I don't want to listen to someone whine about how their life is so much more horrible than everyone elses. That being the case, I didn't want to inflict my complaining on the blogosphere. Hence, I just didn't blog (does that mean I was bitching & complaining that whole time? I'm not going there...) :-)

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