Ok, it was a really sucky day & I just have to bitch, but I don't want to bitch on Facebook, because I'm really disgusted with everyone who bitches all the time & I don't want to be one of them. So I bitch on a blog - makes sense? Well, ever since my first post & I actually got one follower, I've failed to actually publish any of my following posts, so I guess it's still pretty un-public bitching. My one follower is so cool and a person I admire so much, I really hate to bitch to her. I'd rather do jello shots with her & just have a good time. I love her family, too, by the way. It's hard to bitch to people you actually like & enjoy spending time with. :-)
Ok, on to the bitching. I had my annual review for the boys' SSI today, phone interview. We have yet another new person on the case - seems like there's a new person every year. Anyway, early on, about 10 years ago, SSI kept losing my original documents, and when I gave them permission to get the documents electronically, they again lost the bloody documents. Ergo, I rescinded my permission for them to contact my financial institutions due to their incompetence and agreed to deliver all original documents to the office where I would wait for them to make copies and then take my originals home. Still not an ideal situation to me, but they were ok with it. Well, this new worker claims that 5 years ago, they made it required for me to give permission for them to get all documents electronically or else the kids would be denied their SSI claim. When I mentioned that if it happened 5 years ago, why have they let me keep doing it this way, and was told they'd made a lot of mistakes - including a past worker informing me it was ok for me to have an IRA for retirement. This new lady tells me it's only ok for me to have an IRA if it's through my employer; not if I got it on my own. I tell her look, I never would have gotten one if your worker hadn't told me it was ok. She says it doesn't matter, I need to give them all the info & give permission for them to get the documents electronically. I tell her I can't do that until I talk to my attorney. She says she'll stop the boys SSI if I don't. I tell her I'm willing to meet her on the date we picked with all documents, including the IRA documents, but I can't give permission until I talk to an attorney. She says it's pointless to keep the meeting because if I don't give permission, she's stopping the boys SSI.
Needless to say, my day was spent trying to contact referrals from my old educational attorneys for attorneys specializing in SSI & disability law, talking to Regional Center to see if my boys MediCal can be secured through RCOC without dealing with SSI (which is where they currently have their qualifications for MediCal through, and believe me, with the cost of Mikey's medications per month, I need the MediCal), trying to find out if I'll still qualify financially to be my kids IHSS provider, which is basically my whole and only source of income.
I really could care less if we continue with getting SSI at this point. Since my crappy ex is actually paying some child support at this point, and they take out $ from the SSI when this happens, it really doesn't make much difference in my income. If they stop SSI, we'll be ok financially... but my first concern is that Mikey continue to get his MediCal without interruption. My second concern is that I may be liable for paying back money I got from SSI because one of their employees who is no longer with them gave me bad advice, and that's a very real possibility, crappy though it is. I may end up paying a fortune to some attorney just to get justice, as I did to make the child support crap happen. Sigh.
You know, in the grand scheme of things, this isn't much. I don't have cancer, neither do my kids. Nobody is dying. Things could be a hell of a lot worse. But this strange sense of justice I have rails at the injustice of it all! Nobody ever told me life was fair, yet somehow I have this warped sense that it should be, and my blood pressure boils over at the unfairness when I work so hard at trying to make things work when other people I know take advantage of the system & get to skate by. Like I don't have enough to deal with, being a single mom with 2 autistic kids. I wonder what the hell did I do in my past life to have life crap on me so stupendously? Was I Atila the Hun? Perhaps a Spanish Inquisitor? Enough already!
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